Welcome to Course Lifestyle

If you’re looking to live the laptop life and earn a part time or even full-time income creating courses online then you are in the right place.

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Course Creation

Course Ideas

Getting Started

The Pros and Cons to Creating Your Own Online Course

The Pros and Cons to Creating Your Own Online Course

So you got an idea for a course you want to create but you're just not sure if it's right for you. Or you may have even heard creating online courses is a great way to earn an income online. However, you still have this tiny little doubt in the back of your mind that...

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Latest Blog Post

How to Create a Coupon on Teachable – A Definitive Guide

How to Create a Coupon on Teachable – A Definitive Guide

Want to know the best way to entice people to buy your course? Give them a coupon. A coupon is a discount that people can use to either save a percentage or a specific dollar amount on your courses. What more is it can be used as a marketing tool to get more people to...

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Chris Holdheide

Chris Holdheide

Founder / Course Creator

Hi, my name is Chris and I’m in the process of starting my own online course empire.  Maybe you have a similar goal.  If so you are in the right place.

Currently, I’m in the process of creating my very first course and getting things up and running.  So if you would like to learn more about me and my journey click here.